
Benjamin Lee’s Exhibition
Work of Art Photography:1975-2021



Hello! I am Benjamin Lee. For many years, I have taken photographs of artists, cultural people, and creators all over the world.
This year, I will be holding a retrospective exhibition at Spiral Hall, a cultural and art landmark in Omotesando, central Tokyo.
Art photographs are not as accessible in Japan as in other places in the world. I hope to take this opportunity to make art and art photographs more accessible to the Japanese public.
I also hope to build a strong support community for this exhibition, which lead me to decide to start this crowdfunding project.
Your support and donations will be used to not only rent this place, but also to create a special new photo book. This portable book will show my most memorable works from my career, which you can carry around wherever you go.
Let’s bring art closer to our everyday lives.
Thank you very much for your support.

Benjamin Lee

現在、リー氏は国内外で活動を続ける和太鼓アーティスト、エヴァ・ケストナーをモデルに起用し ”愛と希望のハーレクイン”という新たなアートフォト・プロジェクトを進めています。ハーレクハーレクインはコメディア・デラルテに登場するとても重要な人物であり、愛と希望のシンボルに最も適しているパーソナリティーです。16世紀のはじめにイタリアの劇で演じられ、中世からルネサンスへ時代が開花した時に表れ、ピカソなどあらゆる芸術家のインスピレーションの対象になった、ルネサンスの申し子なのです。ハーレクインは不思議なキャラクターで、頭も良く、善人には優しく、悪人を敵にし、百の顔と性格を持ち、愛されざるを得ないキャラクターなのです。リー氏はピカソが描いたこの伝説的なキャラクターに着想を得て現代版のハーレクインを登場させることを決めました。なぜ今、ハーレクインなのか、以下、ドリアン助川氏の言葉を引用させて頂きました。

The goal of this project is to showcase the inspirational artists and scintillating luminaries that have been photographed by Benjamin Lee. These men and women have helped positively influence millions not only in Japan, but across the globe, and we would like to acknowledge their passion, influence, and artistry during these difficult times.
The exhibition will showcase many of his works from the time Lee was in London to hisworks in Japan. Along with his celebrity portraits, he will also exhibit his surrealist works as an art photographer. As a portrait, art, and travel photographer, it holds meaning for Lee to exhibit at Spiral Hall where many people gather to spread and enjoy art and culture.
It is important for Lee to have an exhibition at Spiral Hall due to its significance as an art mecca and also for him personally. Spiral Hall is a landmark building in Omotesando and Aoyama that everyone knows, and is the center of trends in Tokyo. Since its opening in 1985, Spiral Hall has been used as a venue for artists and creators who are leading the arts and culture scenes. Spiral Hall is also known for its novelty of its architectural design and it stands out as an open space that anyone can enjoy freely. Lee has even taken a portrait of Mr. Fumihiko Maki, who is the architect of Spiral Hall.Spiral Hall has been a landmark of Omotesando/Aoyama in central Tokyo and a mecca for art and culture lovers for the past thirty-five years, opening the same year that Lee arrived in Japan. Since then, he has exhibited at the Canadian Embassy in Tokyo, Sogetsu Hall, and Omotesando Gyre Gallery, all of them iconic arts and culture transmission bases in the Omotesando/Aoyama area. From the trajectory of his career, holding a photo exhibition in Spiral Hall is so significant that it is almost inevitable for him personally, but holding it at this venue has another important meaning. Lee, who visits art fairs around the world every year, is familiar with the depth of the people who gather there and the close relationship between the general public and art. Lee wishes to convey to the Japanese people that art photography exists not only for collectors but for everyone. In Japan, where there are still few opportunities to come into contact with fine-art photography, Spiral Hall, which boasts overwhelming accessibility and spaciousness, and whose theme is the fusion of art and everyday life, is the only venue that can fulfill that wish through thisexhibition.
We will book the open space of Spiral Hall for fourteen days, so people are able to come and see Lee’s works anytime during the day. These fourteen days will be a time period where there would be no boundaries between his works and the many cultural figures and artists who surround him, as well as the viewers who visit him. We aim for the exhibition to be a place where new energy is born. During the exhibition, we are planning to have a gallery talk by Lee, a talk show with his portrait models, and live performances of young artists who have not had many chances to perform recently due to the pandemic. We will make it possible for supporters who cannot come to the place to be able to participate through live videos to create a sense of unity among all participants.
In addition, Lee will be releasing a photobook suitable for this epoch-making retrospective exhibition. It is a collection of his representative works so far, but it is not a large luxury one, but will be a smaller pocket size book. People who have never been interested in art and those who have purchased only postcards because the photobooks were too heavy, can also carry it with them anytime and anywhere from the idea of giving people a little more familiarity with art. For those who support us through the purchase of this photobook, your name or Instagram account (or other SNS account, name, etc. upon request) will be printed on the special thanks sheet attached to the photobook.
It is the greatest hope for Lee that people who share the same feeling of supporting art through this project will be further connected and the circle of support for the Japanese art scene will expand. After all, this is the reason why Lee is asking for crowdfunding support at this time.
Lee is currently working on a new art photo project with taiko drummer and artist Eva Kestner as the iconic character, the Harlequin of Love and Hope. The harlequin is an important character from the Italian theater, Commedia dell’Arte, and a symbol of love, hope, and optimism. The character of the harlequin first appeared in Italian theaters during the beginning of the Renaissance. The harlequin has inspired many artists over the centuries, including Picasso, as seen in his paintings of the harlequin in the early 1900s.
This mystical and clever character has many faces and personality traits, sends gifts to the good and fights the evil, but most importantly, you cannot help but love them. In these current difficult times, the harlequin should play a prominent role in the lives of people who need optimism and hope.

ドリアン助川 詩人・作家・教授

The Age of the Harlequin
by Durian Sukegawa, writer, poet, and singer





“The harlequin can seize the audience’s attention, draw their eyes to herself, and make the other characters on stage appear invisible. The harlequin can change the whole scene, shift the audience’s perception, and suddenly become the main character in but a moment. With merely her piercing gaze, she can imagine and create a new reality.

“In these challenging times, what character is more desperately needed than the harlequin? The harlequin sees the true sadness beneath people’s smiling masks, can see what’s never been seen and can hear what’s never been heard before. Thusly is the harlequin so close to people’s hearts. The harlequin knows how to sing a song that makes the world a better and more magical place.”

Lee designed the harlequin’s costume, updating it for modern times. Eva wears the costume and the two make surprise appearances throughout the country, where Eva uses her drums to play music full of hope and energy. The harlequin’s appearance is unpredictable and divine, but she has the potential to appear before anyone who wants to meet her, a symbol of optimism and a bright light of hope for our future. At Lee’s exhibition, some of his photographic works of the harlequin, taken in various places acrossJapan, will be exhibited for the first time.

The concept of the harlequin is a project which will allow Lee, who has been inspired by so many, to now express a new art form to help inspire a new generation of young artists. It is for this purpose that it is necessary to make the exhibition accessible to everyone at Spiral Hall.

The fourteen days at Spiral Hall will be a special opportunity where there is no boundary between his works and the many cultural figures and artists who surround him, as well as the viewers who visit the exhibition. We aim for an event where new energy is born. We are preparing many opportunities to have live interactions with photographer Lee, such as a gallery talk by Lee and a talk show with his portrait models. We are also planning live performances by young artists with global perspectives, including a Japanese drum performance by Eva Kestner, also known as The Harlequin of Love and Hope. We will post these details as soon as they are finalized, and supporters who cannot attend in person can join in the festivities through live online shows of each event.

憲仁親王妃 久子

Princess Hisako Takamado


I have seen many artworks from Benjamin Lee and he communicates the importance of using his own imagination, as well as encouraging us to use our own imagination when appreciating his photography. Freedom of expression is something that all of us have and we can all express it through different art forms. But what I consider a true artist is someone who has the ability to fully express one’s self by perfectly understanding one’s own talent and perfectly utilizing our own abilities, like Benjamin does. There is something that appeals to our hearts today when seeing his work from any year. His art is timeless.


Kengo Kuma (Architect)


What is so amazing about Benjamin is that he can work professionally and produce high quality work not only in Japan, but anywhere in the world.


Kaori Momoi (Actress)


Benjamin really loves people and is an artist who truly respects the Japanese people. He takes amazing photographs of artists who are held in great importance in Japan (and all over the world), and really captures their essence. Benjamin has a very charming, cute, and great personality. I have learned to speak English a little bit, so I am very happy I can talk to him and be friends with him.


Yayoi Kusama (Artist)


What superb images he takes! I am very pleased. Benjamin Lee is an artist who has captured the very essence of my life and my art.

ボッテガSPA 創業者・サンドロ・ボッテガ

Sandro Bottega


Benjamin is more than a great photographer and artist, he is a friend of people. When you meet him, it feels as though you have known each other forever: he emanates confidence, loyalty and vision.
His artworks represent a mixture of contemporaneity and futurism, imagination and reality, the horizon and individual details…we love him for his originality, his uniqueness, his capability to make real the abstract: his artworks will be timeless symbols for future generations.